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17 Goals


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  1. Measles virus ‘cooperates’ with itself to cause fatal encephalitis

  2. The 3rd in QS Sustainability rankings 2023 domestically

  3. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #79 ”Development of small molecules targeting RNA ~Toward the creation of small-molecular tools to modulate RNA function and the drug discovery for RNA targets~”

  4. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #78 ”Immune regulation technologies for chronic inflammatory diseases that are rapidly increasing in ultra-clean societies”

  5. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #77 ”The Psychosocial Impact of Disasters on Persons With Disabilities: Experiences During the Great East Japan Earthquake”

  6. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #76 ”Circadian rhythm and chronotherapy”

  7. Toward early detection of pathological social withdrawal, Hikikomori

  8. Q-AOS Symposium 2022—Creation of Resource Frontier toward SDGs Society—

  9. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #75 ”Symbiotic society of robot and humans”

  10. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #74 ”Information techonology for measuring and changing human behavior”

  11. UN/REAL Transcultural Perspectives on Digital Living

  12. Asia Week 2022

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