
17 Goals


Publication year

  1. NEW

    《1/22》Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #173: International Student Education from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Clinical Psychology

  2. NEW

    Harnessing microwave flow reaction to convert biomass into useful sugars

  3. 《1/15》Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #172: Plant phenology and BVOC

  4. Beyond 5G, accelerating the world of ultra-high-speed optical data transmission

  5. 《1/27-1/31》Kyushu University Energy Week 2025

  6. Scientists uncover insights into neuron function by simultaneously measuring two key signals in living animals

  7. 《1/8》Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #171: A Challenge to the Smart Greenhouse Agriculture: Visualizing Environmental and Plant Eco-physiological Information and Crop-localized Environmental Control

  8. 《1/15》 FY2024 8th I²CNER Seminar

  9. 《1/14》 FY2024 7th I²CNER Seminar

  10. 《2/6-2/7》2nd OIST-KYUDAI Joint Workshop

  11. 【12/18】Faculty of Languages and Cultures Lecture: Words of Japanese Origin in the Oxford English Dictionary

  12. Unlocking the ‘black box’: scientists reveal AI’s hidden thoughts

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