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17 Goals


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  1. 【11/13】 Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #165: Agricultural volunteerism in times of disaster x Conservation of satochi and satoyama in times of peace

  2. Toward better surgical outcomes in patients undergoing knee replacement surgery

  3. Signing ceremony for inter-university exchange agreement with Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

  4. 【11/20】Announcement of the 105th Science Cafe @ Fukuoka

  5. 【10/30】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #163: Initiatives for Sustainable Aquaculture in the Future

  6. 【10/23】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #162: Cancer Treatment from the Perspective of Applied Chemistry

  7. Zebrafish as a model for studying rare genetic disease

  8. 【11/5-11/9】Join us for Asia Week 2024

  9. Keeping it together: How calcium signals help cells bury their dead neighbors

  10. Dr. Chisa Shiraishi from the Graduate School of Medical Sciences Has Received the 2024 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Japan Fellowship Award

  11. 【10/29-10/30】The 33rd Hot Spring Harbor International Symposium

  12. 【10/2】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #159: Learning about Designing Society from the History of Chairs

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