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17 Goals


Publication year


  1. 【1/24】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #128 “Resource Processing Situation in Mining Country: Resource situation and strategy in Australia, Chile”

  2. 【1/17】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #127 “Photochemistry: Pioneering Innovative Technologies with the Power of Molecules Harnessing Light Energy”

  3. 【1/10】 FY2023 the 9th I²CNER Seminar

  4. 【1/29~2/2】Kyushu University Energy Week 2024

  5. 【12/21】FY2023 the 8th I²CNER Seminar

  6. Kyushu U places 170th in QS Sustainability Rankings 2024

  7. 【12/13】FY2023 the 7th I²CNER Seminar

  8. A potentially cheaper and ‘cooler’ way of hydrogen transport

  9. 【10/11】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #115 “Cooling and dehumidification technology driven by thermal energy”

  10. 【10/18】FY2023 the 6th I²CNER Seminar

  11. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #111 “Let’s learn computers! 〜From principles to cutting-edge researches〜”

  12. 【9/6】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #110 “Solid sorption cycles for realizing carbon-neutral energy society”

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