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17 Goals


Publication year


  1. 【10/18】FY2023 the 6th I²CNER Seminar

  2. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #111 “Let’s learn computers! 〜From principles to cutting-edge researches〜”

  3. 【9/6】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #110 “Solid sorption cycles for realizing carbon-neutral energy society”

  4. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #108 “What’s the Paris Agreement? –Carbon neutral in the global world-”

  5. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #103 “Hydrogen energy to realize decarbonization society”

  6. FY2023 the 5th I²CNER Seminar

  7. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #100 “Shall we think together about sustainable food and meat production with people around the world?”

  8. FY2023 the 4th I²CNER Seminar

  9. FY2023 the 3rd I²CNER Seminar

  10. FY2023 the 2nd I²CNER Webinar

  11. Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #92 “Role of ICT and AI to achieve 3ZEROs (ZERO Unemployment, ZERO Poverty, ZERO net CO2 Emission)”

  12. A safe synthesis of hydrogen peroxide inspired by nature

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