Zoom Seminar for Portable Health Clinic (PHC) -Online healthcare and Telemedicine for the post COVID-19 era in Asia-

中島 直樹 教授

Online healthcare system that allows mobile health check-ups and tele-medicine services called “Portable Health Clinic (PHC)” was developed by Kyushu University (KU) and Grameen Communications (GC), Bangladesh in 2010. The purpose of this project is to conduct online meeting with our collaborative partners in Asia to discuss about how to promote and disseminate the PHC system with multi-language website, promotion video, and mobile apps which newly improved for the 2020 Asia Week.


Genki.healthcare (currently under construction)


大学病院メディカル・インフォーメーション・センター Rafiqul Islam Maruf 准教授
システム情報科学研究院 Ashir Ahmed 准教授
持続可能な社会のための決断科学センター 横田 文彦 講師



  • Hasan M, Yokota F, Islam M, Hisazumi K, Fukuda A, Ahmed A.(2020), A Predictive Model for Height Tracking in an Adult Male Population in Bangladesh to Reduce Input Errors., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Impact Factor: 2.468)
  • Sampa MB, Hossain MN, Hoque MR, Islam R, Yokota F, Nishikitani M, Fukuda A, Ahmed A.(2020), Influence of factors on the adoption and use of ICT-based eHealth technology by urban corporate people., Journal of Service Science and Management. (Impact Factor: 1.27)
  • Yokota F, Biyani M, Islam R, Ahmed A, Nishikitani M, Kikuchi K, Nohara Y, and Nakashima N.(2018), Lessons learned from co-design and co-production in a portable health clinic research project in Jaipur District, India (2016-2018). , Sustainability (Impact Factor: 2.075)
  • Hossain N, Yokota F, Sultana N. and Ahmed A.(2018), Factors influencing rural end-users’ acceptance of e-Health in developing countries: A study on Portable Health Clinic in Bangladesh. , Telemedicine and e-Health. (Impact Factor: 1.996)
  • Nohara Y, Kai E, Ghosh PP, Islam R, Ahmed A, Kuroda M, Inoue S, Hiramatsu T, Kimura M, Shimizu S, Kobayashi K, Baba Y, Kashima H, Tsuda K, Sugiyama M, Naoki Nakashima.(2015), Health checkup and telemedical intervention program for preventive medicine in Developing Countries: Verification Study., Journal of Medical Internet Research. (Impact Factor: 4.945)


[担当者] 横田 文彦
[電 話] 092-802-6052
[E-mail] fumihiko.yokota.2011@gmail.com


Zoom Seminar for Portable Health Clinic (PHC) -Online healthcare and Telemedicine for the post COVID-19 era in Asia- NEW


開催日時 2020年9月11日(金) 13:00–15:30
会場 オンライン(Zoom)
参加登録 参加登録はこちらから

[Event Flyer]

[Program Schedule]
MC: Fumihiko Yokota

13:00-13:10 Introduction by Prof. Naoki Nakashima
13:10-13:40 Explanation about PHC apps, website, and video by Dr. Ashir Ahmed
13:40-14:40 Presentation by each institute (6 x 10 mins) (*)
14:40-15:25 Q & A and Discussion on “how to overcome challenges of telemedicine and
online healthcare and make it sustainable in the post-covid-19 era”.
15:25-15:30 Summary and Closing by Dr. Rafiqul Islam Maruf

(*) Presentation by each institute (6 x 10 mins)



Presentation Title


Mr. Rajib Chowdhury

Use of Portable Health Clinic (PHC) to Tackle COVID-19 Situation:
Technical and Social Challenges


Dr. Manish Biyani
Dr. Manish Jain

Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and combating COVID-19 projection
in diverse India


Dr. Yuandong Hu

Using 5G telemedicine, QR code, and other technologies to control COVID-19
Pandemic in China


Dr. Lutfan Lazuardi (5 mins)

Dr. Nurholis Majid (5 mins)

Sustainable telemedicine and remote healthcare systems for covid-19 and
non-infectious diseases in Indonesia
Challenges and Opportunities on Telemedicine Implementation in the
COVID- 19 era in the field level


Dr. Helen Benedict Lasimbang
Dr. Nicholas Pang Tze Ping

Designing an ethnosensitive and sustainable PHC model in Borneo Island
using indigenous technology in the age of Covid-19: an experience to remember”


Dr. Faiz Shah
Dr. David Galipeau

Job Creation and Healthcare Service Delivery: An Enterprise Model for PHC

  • MC: Fumihiko Yokota, Kyushu University, Japan

[List of Seminar Participants (Country’s alphabetic order)]
 For smartphones, you can scroll horizontally

# Name Affiliation Title

Rajib Chowdhury

Grameen Communications, Bangladesh

Operation Manager


Yuandong Hu

Giuzhou Provincial Center for Disease Control, China

Chief Physician


Manish Biyani

Biyani Group of Colleges, India




University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Assoc. Professor



University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Senior Researcher


Naoki Nakashima

Kyushu University Japan



Ashir Ahmed

Kyushu University Japan

Assoc. Professor


Rafiqul Islam Maruf

Kyushu University Japan

Assoc. Professor


Helen Benedict Lasimbang

University of Malaysia, Saba, Malaysia



Nicholas Pang Tze Ping

University of Malaysia, Saba, Malaysia

Associate Professor


Faiz Shah

Asian Institute of Technology, Yunus Center & SDG Lab, Thailand
YCA Near Future Lab

David Galipeau TBC

Asian Institute of Technology, Yunus Center & SDG Lab, Thailand
YCA Near Future Lab



 [担当者] 横田 文彦
 [E-mail] fumihiko.yokota.2011★gmail.com

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