
17 Goals


Publication year

  1. 【5/15】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #140:New paths to sustainable food production: the potential of microbiome agriculture and halophytes

  2. Kyushu University Global Peace Workshop 2024: Meet a Nagasaki A-Bombing Survivor & Make Origami for World Peace

  3. 【5/8】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #139:Rideshare and Social Business to achieve Gender Equality

  4. The 2nd International Symposium on Entrepreneurship Education in Asia

  5. Kyushu-Okinawa and Taiwan Universities establish international collaboration agreement that transcends geographical boundaries!

    Symposium on cross-disciplinary collaboration for GX realization

  6. Twinkle twinkle baby star, ‘sneezes’ tell us how you are

  7. Professor Chihaya Adachi appointed as a CNRS Fellow-Ambassador at the French National Centre for Scientific Research

  8. 【4/24】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #138:Revisiting the “Utopian Manchuria:” New Perspectives and Discoveries on Urban Changchun(1899-1932)

  9. 【4/17】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #137:Ancient state formation in Japan: as seen from bronze mirrors

  10. 【4/10】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #136:Co-benefits of Low Emission Development Strategies in Asian Cities, A win-win solution

  11. 【4/19】Virtual Graduate Study Fair at Kyushu University

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