The symposium will provide a good opportunity for entrepreneurship researchers and educators from all over the world to gather at Kyushu University and form a network to build future collaborations. Our symposium will also serve as a platform to discuss major challenges and advances in entrepreneurship education. In the symposium, we will explore innovative methodologies, best practices, and novel ways of teaching entrepreneurship. The symposium aims to discuss the current state of entrepreneurship education, especially in Asia, how it has evolved, and to identify the critical challenges for the future.

Flyer(Open in new tab)
Target:Entrepreneurship educators, researchers, practitioners,
people who are interested in entrepreneurship education research
Dates:2024.09.21 [Sat] 10:00 – 18:00
Venue:Hospital Campus Centennial Hall Kyushu University School of Medicine
3-1-1 Made, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
Method:Face-to-face only / Language: English only
Seating capacity:No
Participation fee:Free of charge
Event details
■Theme for 2024■
“Beyond the Classroom: Real World – Impacts of Entrepreneurship Education”
●Speaker *update as needed
Dr. Norris Krueger
Distinguished Research Fellow, QREC
Dr. Poh Kam Wong
Emeritus Professor of Business School, National University of Singapore
Dr. Doan Winkel
Professor, Business Department, John Carroll University
Dr. Marilyn A. Uy
Assoc. Prof. Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University
Dr. Michael Breum Ramsgaard
Assoc Professor, VIA University College
Dr. Gabi Kaffka
Post Doc Researcher, Utrecht University
If you want to be presenter
please submit the article from the link below.
Abstract submission deadline: 16 June, 2024
If you wish to participate in the symposium
please register from the link below.
Application deadline: Friday, September 13, 2024
Holding of the event
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (tentative)
Venue:Centennial Hall Kyushu University School of Medicine
Method: Face-to-face only / Language: English only
Target group: Entrepreneurship educators, researchers, practitioners, people who are interested in entrepreneurship education research
Name: Robert T.Huang Entrepreneurship Center of Kyushu University
TEL: 092-802-6060
FAX: 092-802-6065
Mail: info★
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