This online symposium is open to the public, and welcomes everyone who is interested in collaboration between Sweden and Japan!
Kyushu University takes the role of Coordinating University of the Japanese side for the entire 3rd phase (three years in total). Stockholm Liaison Office, which serves as the Europe Office of the university, supports MIRAI activities as its local base.
This online symposium is open to the public, and welcomes everyone who is interested in collaboration between Sweden and Japan!
- Target:
General, Current students and staff,Others - Language:
English(no interpretation) - Date & Time:
2024.09.04[Wed]16:00–18:00 - Venue name:
Online (Zoom) - Seating capacity:
No - Participation fee:
Free of charge
1. Opening Remarks
2. Congratulatory Messages
– Embassy of Japan in Sweden
– Embassy of Sweden in Japan
3. Keynote Lecture
by ANA HOLDINGS INC. / affiliated with Department for Sustainability, and Captain B777
4. Short Introduction on Global Challenges
5. Closing Remarks
Redgistration method
Advanced registration required
[Online]Complete the Zoom registration via the MIRAI website linked below.
Redgistration period
Name: International Affairs Division, Kyushu University (MIRAI Coordinating University)
TEL: 092-802-2206
Mail: mirai-jp★
Please replace ★ with @
Kyushu University HP