【5/29】Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar #142:Advances in Temporal Pattern Recognition and its Effect on AI

Brian Kenji Iwana, Associate Professor (Department of Advanced Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering)
The Q-AOS(*1) Brown Bag Seminar Series(*2) are starting every Wednesday lunch time from April 2021. The purpose of this webinar series is to provide opportunities not only to learn research related with SDGs in Asian and Oceanian regions and but also to expand your research network in different academic areas.
The webinar is free, available in English and Japanese, and open to everyone! We hope you all come and join us!


Flyer(Open in new tab)


  1. Target:
    General, High school students, Elementary and junior high school students,Current students and staff,Others
  2. Language:
    Bilingual Japanese-English support
  3. Date & Time:
    2024.05.29 [Wed] 12:10 – 12:50
  4. Venue name:
    Zoom Webinar
  5. Seating capacity:
  6. Participation fee:
    Free of charge


12:10-12:15 Introduction
■ Title:
Advances in Temporal Pattern Recognition and its Effect on AI
■ Speaker:
Brian Kenji Iwana, Associate Professor (Department of Advanced Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering)
Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Temporal Recognition, Time Series, Sequences
12:40-12:50 Q&A

Redgistration method

[Online]***Please go to the link below;

Redgistration period

2024.05.15 [Wed] –2024.05.29 [Wed]


Name: IQ Office  Mail: aoevent★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Please replace ★ with @


Kyushu University HP

(*1) What is Kyushu University Institute of Asian and Oceanian Studies (Q-AOS)?
Q-AOS is a platform of Kyushu University which aims to contribute to the achievement of the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” by 2030. Q-AOS is seeking current and future solutions to social issues facing the Asia and Oceania region and new developments. Please see the website for details: Q-AOS HP

(*2) What is Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar Series?
This seminar aims to provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary research networks and information sharing for many people to know about the latest research activities related to the Asia and Oceania region and SDGs. This is an informal online lunch time seminar open for the general public.

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