LOH Wei Leong 助教
Our team have conducted the first pilot SDGs design program with Fukusho High School in 2019.The pilot test provided inputs for us to develop a new set of teaching and learning tools and modified the education methodology for 2nd phase pilot test. The 2nd phase pilot test will be conducted in Fukusho High School between August and October 2020. The key purpose for this research is to develop students’ ability in design thinking to integrate knowledge and skills from science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) to explore and experiment a wide range of solutions to solve SDGs related problems.
Students in Fukusho High School worked in groups to identify SDGs related problem in their community and conceptualized solutions.
Final Presentation of solutions by students in Fukusho High School during the Kyushu SDGs Design Network meeting.
芸術工学研究院 ZHANG Yanfang 講師
芸術工学研究院 下村 萌 助教
芸術工学研究院 鷹野 典子 学術研究員
国立台湾師範大学 LIN Kuen-Yi Distinguished Professor
芸術工学部 OGO Miki
Department of Technology Application & Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University
LOH, W. L., SHIMOMURA, M, ZHANG, Y.F. (accepted for publication in proceeding and presentation). Unlocking Creative Minds to Engage SDGs Through Design Education in Japanese High School. 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 10 – 11 Sept 2020.
[担当者] LOH Wei Leong
[電 話] 092-553-4671
[E-mail] leon★design.kyushu-u.ac.jp
SDGs Design Program in Fukusho High School NEW
開催日時 | 2020年8月~10月 |
会場 | 福翔高校 |
[概 要]
As part of the Global Business Program in Fukusho High School, students will go through the SDGs
Design Program to explore and identify SDGs related problems in their own community.
Through design thinking, students will conceptualize and co-design possible solutions with teachers.